Knowing our yesterday, Embracing our today, Learning for tomorrow, Being the best me I can be.
Our School
Wharenui School has a long history, first opening in 1907.
Located in the heart of Riccarton, Christchurch, Wharenui school is a full primary catering for children from 5-13 years old - (Years 1-8). We are hidden away from a busy area and enjoy a park-like setting combining a mixture of new build classrooms and renovated original buildings.
Wharenui is a multicultural school. We value the diversity and the family-like atmosphere that brings. The many cultures that make up our school gives us a rich diversity, where students grow  appreciating and understanding other cultures, languages, celebrations and beliefs.
We aim to give our children great educational experiences and provide many opportunities for our Year 7 /8 students to develop leadership and self management skills in preparation for their transition to High School. We offer many sporting and performance opportunities to grow our tamariki in all areas of the New Zealand curriculum.
Our close proximity to Wharenui Pool means we are one of the lucky schools who can provide swimming without needing to travel. We are a decile 3 school, which means we are very lucky to receive support from Kidscan, Duffy Books and Fruit in Schools.
At Wharenui School, we respect the unique position of the Maori Culture as Tangata Whenua of New Zealand Aotearoa and Te Reo Maori as an official language in accordance with our commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi. In recognition of the unique position of Maori we provide instruction in Tikanga Maori and Te Reo Maori. Ko Taku Reo - School of the Deaf has been a part of Wharenui School since 2011. Ko Taku Reo bring another language- the third official language of New Zealand - Sign Language and the uniqueness of the deaf culture.
On site we also have Resource Teachers of Learning and Behaviour and our Social Worker in schools.
Our dedicated staff, Board of Trustees, PTA, along with fantastic students and wider community, makes
Wharenui a great place to be.